"Pogoria. 40 years of wind in sails"

jubilee publication

Pogoria 40 lat okładka

The book entitled "Pogoria. 40 years of the wind in the sails" has been published by STAP, with the help of STAP and co-financed by the Higher School of Social Communication.

The publication was created on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the construction and operation of a sailing ship and is a kind of souvenir of the anniversary celebrations scheduled for the end of May last year, canceled due to epidemics.

The book consists of four parts. The first part is devoted to the initiative of the creation and construction of the first Polish sailing ship, and includes memories from this period, including Capt. Krzysztof Baranowski, Capt. Adam Jasser, Capt. Marek Kleban and Capt. Zygmunt Choreń - the constructor of the sailing ship. The second - contains memories of long-time captains of the sailing ship, including Captain Andrzej Marczak and Capt. Andrzej Szlemiński. The third part Connected forever, you can read the memories of people whose "shy looks at each other during cruises" later turned into permanent marriages. The fourth part includes reports from the voyages of the children and grandsons of the captains, including, for example, the granddaughter, the late Admiral Piotr Kołodziejczyk, who repeatedly commanded Pogoria, and the son of great merit for this sailing ship, Capt. Bronek Tarnacki. At the end of the book, there is an insert with beautiful photographs of the sailing ship, taken by various authors during training cruises.

The publication, apart from library collections, will not be available to the public. However, in .pdf format, you can read and print yourself.

The book can be downloaded below or on the website www.wsks.pl.
